Energy Technologies


Hawaii Island’s location in the center of the Pacific presents opportunities far greater than can be found elsewhere in the United States.
The natural resources that have made Hawaii Island a popular visitor destination are the same assets that have contributed to a diverse
energy portfolio unique to Hawaii.


The State of Hawaii and U.S. Department of Energy are partnering on the Hawaii Clean Energy Initiative which seeks to obtain 70% of
energy needs from renewable sources, including 40% of electricity supply from renewable source generation by 2030. Currently providing
over 40% of its energy needs from renewable resources, Hawaii Island leads the way and is on target to meet this goal.


In 2011, the County of Hawaii released the state’s first carbon footprint to inventory government operation greenhouse gas emissions
and establish baseline measurements.


Natural Resources, Clean Energy & An Isolated Island Grid

Solar & PV – Abundant Hawaiian sunshine delivers the highest percentage of photovoltaic arrays on an island grid

Geothermal – An active volcano already fosters 20% of total electricity needs and holds immense potential for further production

Biofuels – Ample land availability for production of locally-grown feedstock

Wind Energy – Dependable trade winds cultivate world-class wind farm locations

OTEC – Pioneering ocean thermal energy conversion since the 1970s

Hydro, Wave and Tidal Energy – Tropical rainfall and unlimited ocean resources