The State of Hawaii and U.S. Department of Energy are partnering on the Hawaii Clean Energy Initiative which seeks to obtain 70% of energy needs from renewable sources, including 40% of electricity supply from renewable source generation by 2030. Currently providing over 40% of its energy needs from renewable resources, Hawaii Island leads the way and is on target to meet this goal.
Natural Resources, Clean Energy & An Isolated Island Grid
Solar & PV – Abundant Hawaiian sunshine delivers the highest percentage of photovoltaic arrays on an island grid
Geothermal – An active volcano already fosters 20% of total electricity needs and holds immense potential for further production
Biofuels – Ample land availability for production of locally-grown feedstock
Wind Energy – Dependable trade winds cultivate world-class wind farm locations
OTEC – Pioneering ocean thermal energy conversion since the 1970s
Hydro, Wave and Tidal Energy – Tropical rainfall and unlimited ocean resources